Little Death Chapter 2: Page 139

Page 139, Chapter 2 of Little Death. Callisto is sitting in the Great Hall of Kolgothoi Keep. Ellery’s limp unconscious body is in his arms. He is gazing sternly at the boy, waiting for him to wake up. It looks like a dark pieta.


Resurrecting in a parallel universe all by yourself, handsome?


It’s giving…dark pieta.


I’m posting new Little Death lore and art every Monday for $3 patrons on 🔗SubStar! Last week I shared more information about ghouls and how their anatomy works. The week before, I showed what regular people in Zosas eat.


Last year people asked me questions about the kind of world Callisto’s world was. I really enjoy sharing information about what kind of world it is—from the forms of governance, right down to the foods people eat, which will have significance for the porn, as you’ll see later on!


” What do people in Zosas eat?”This is a cropped image from my SubStar lore post sharing a recipe from the fictional country Dio. The recipe is actually from medieval Italy. The image shows a drawing goat and a chicken drawn by PomPoison. Transcription: Ghouls eat human flesh and human milk, but Ellery is still a mortal, so he needs to eat what the locals eat. Zosas cuisine is hearty and delicious. Certain Zosan dishes involve rolling pasta by hand from a hard dough made from egg white and flour, and boiling the pasta in goat's milk and water. Kolgothoi Keep has undead cooks. The castle's kitchen gets fully dusted off for daily use to adapt to feeding a human boy, every day, without exception.“
“What do people in Zosas eat?”
A diagram of Callisto’s head model with his new crown.
Character Design, Page 1, Callisto’s Crown








A promo image for Little Death with Ellery nude, draped over Callisto’s lap. Callisto is in a black robe, his face a skull, holding a dragged pointed at Ellery’s rib cage.
“You must hate God for making your body that way.”
Published On: March 14, 2025

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