
Thanks for reading my comic. I hope you enjoyed it!

Like many artists, I use Twitter to get word of my work out. If youā€™re cool with adult content and youā€™d like to pick at my molted brain parts, check out my social media links below!

For hand-engraved block prints, silkscreen prints, art posters and handmade stationary, visit my Square store:

Printmaking Twitter: @PomPoisonStudio

Cohost: @Pom-Poison

Tumblr: @pompoison

Instagram: @pompoisonstudio_

R18 Twitter: @Pom_Poison

Little Death Twitter: @Little_DeathCom

Commission Rates rates below –

For questions, work inquiries, or collaborations, you can either DM me, or drop an email at

I have a SubscribeStar! The newest Little Death pages are out 6 weeks before theyā€™re published on here! 1 Page is out every Friday. At least once per month, I do an art livestream and a request poll. Unscheduled early access art updates occur approximately 1-2 per week.