Little Death Chapter 2: Page 141
CW: violence
Ellery’s soft cheeks can absorb the hit, but it still hurt!
I’m going to visit 🔗Luna Moth Zine Fest in Salem, New Hampshire on April 19th to lift things and table-watch for Runny! If you’re there, come say hi!👋 🙂 <3
DO YOU LOVE EVIL YAOI? Friction-Press’s latest queer archival project R18 EVIL YAOI BUNDLE shares enthusiasm for works like Little Death and the evil yaoi (yaois? citation needed.) that inspired it. Friction-Press is calling creators to submit work for a sale bundle on for original Achillean (he/him, they/them, it/its) erotica couples fiction. Taboo relationships and queer sex are an explicit requirement for this bundle. Violent and horror themes are not a requirement to be in the bundle but definitely allowed. If you think your work qualifies, it probably does! It can be new or old work, but 🔗2 submissions per person MAX.
Obvious but necessary Cop Disclaimer: All stories must be fictional accounts of fictional characters who therefor cannot be harmed. Fictional stories do not reflect an artist’s desire to partake in unethical, unlawful activity—all stories represent exaggerated, unrealistic, artistic expressions of eroticism. If you prefer something less spicy check out this softer 🔗Achillean queer sex creator bundle.
If you want to support Chapter 3: GLASS KING, become a supporter on my 🔗SubStar! It’s always a huge help, especially the Wraith and Sketch tier. I have a synopsis of the story on the pinned post and a post Directory. <3 <3