Little Death Chapter 2: Page 130
CW: noncon
Ellery finds his will to fight Callisto again after being brought to the brink of orgasm a third time and cruelly denied. Though… they say the true opposite of love is indifference…
Chapter 2 is completed and on itch as a digital comic!
All of you, thank you for reading and enjoying Little Death each week! If you’d like to support my niche queer indie comics, please check out my creator page where you can give a monthly pledge to help the creation of Chapter 3 and other artistic projects. No amount is too small.
I did a count of my Little Death Chapter 1 physical copies, which had a print run in 2022. Of 200 copies I now have 53 left! I feel really, really happy that so many people have taken a shine to my boys over the years. Thank you for having so much fun with me in Ellery Torture Land. <3 I love making freak art for discerning sickos like you. <3
One thought on “Page 130, Chapter 2 Little Death”
Cat Ruf
All the little details in the art make the scenes so hot and exciting! you are making the sicko trans art we want to see in the world!