Published On: August 1, 2021

7 thoughts on “1: Death and the Boy Webcomic Archive

  1. Extremely interesting! I’ve admittedly fallen in love with this comic. While reading, I found myself connected to Ellery as I am also a trans man. I felt empowered by the normalization of trans bodies. This Death guy is also really hot!

  2. I cannot *express* how happy I am to find this. This is like, literally all of my buttons pressed!

  3. I am fascinated by what you are able to express through incredible drawings & imagination.

  4. OMG Ellery is so adorable and Callisto–who is *dead ass* wrong is also wickedly HOT XD I love them both! ((and shiddd, Callisto can take me any day. ))
    Also, I’ve been meaning to binge-read this comic for a while. and I’m glad I finally Have the time to at least get to the first archive/chapter. Your work is so gore-filled and detailed. and I find Ellery’s predicament to be truly fascinating. Being a transgender man and not able (from what it seems thus far) transition then being forced upon/assaulted by a necromancer. Truly a horrific setting to be in and Im scared for him. So! to conclude this long-winded comment lol, Pom, Please continue the good work. You’re amazing!

    P.S. I hope the day comes when I can buy a physical copy <3

  5. Such an interesting story, love your art ! 💖

  6. just started reading this comic and it alleviates dysphoria to see a trans boy w/ a body that looks just like mine!

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